Places for People Surgery

Places for People are host Surgeries at Tanterton Village Centre. This has been organised by Community Housing managers Alison and Paulette. The surgeries are for people in the vicinity of Tanterton Village Centre and will allow people who have a tenancy with Places for people to come along and talk.

The surgeries will help Places for people Customers talk with a human on the first and third Thursday of every month 2pm- 4pm, to highlight any issues they may have with their tenancy, home, environment. They will also we can offer advice on winterproofing your house, help with budgeting or money management, or support to keep your heating on this winter.

If you are within or close to the Tanterton area and have a tenancy with Places for People it would be well worth a visit even if it is just to get familiar with your local housing managers.

Come and join us on Thursday!

Next surgery dates are:



